Top of the Pops Vol. 72 - Volume 72 of the world famous Top Of The Pops series of records. 16 smash hits taken straight from the charts on each record

Top of the Pops Vol. 72

posted in: 1970s, 1978, totp | 0

Sleeve Notes:

VOLUME 72 of the world famous Top Of The Pops series of records has just been released, and record shops everywhere are reporting thousands of customers clamouring for their copies.
A spokesperson for Red Hot Records Ltd. said “This happens every time the Top Of The Poppers release a new LP. It’s even worse now there are 16 smash hits taken straight from the charts on each record. We are totally exhausted trying to cope with the demand. I wish they’d stop doing this to us.”

Top of the Pops Vol. 72 - Volume 72 of the world famous Top Of The Pops series of records. 16 smash hits taken straight from the charts on each record

Label: Hallmark SHM 3008

1978 1970s Covers

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