Sleeve Notes:
Exercise my way. Seen on magazine covers, in films and TV Commercials, Christina Gregg is one of the true professionals. For a model to stay at the top of the ladder for so long takes loads of dedication, self discipline and attention to detail and Christina has these qualities in abundance. Christina Gregg is a top model as well as being a busy housewife and mother of two boys. Christina has also written a book, currently available, “Beauty My Way published by Van Dyke Books.
‘I know the difficulties of maintaining a slim body but with the easy to follow exercise plan I have devised on this record I know a sleek and trim healthy body can be achieved. Most models have to work at keeping slim, as nothing lies like a camera which tends to make you look fatter! So why not start today by exercising to burn up those unwanted calories and lose that extra weight. Exercising to music is simple and fun. If I can do it … what’s stopping you?’
Label: Warwick WW5041
Photographs by John Adriaan
Designed by Apollo