An atmosphere of relaxation is a welcome thing these day,. I’ll leave a discourse concerning the tensions and turmoil of today’s ulcer-times to the sociologists; I just know it’s nice to hear pleasant sound. I like pretty music. But not wishy-washy music; not music obviously created to fill a cream puff and no more. You won’t find that kind of music in this album. You will find class A workmanship in both the arranging and performing categories.
Precisely where you will be helped to let your flight of imagination carry you, will of course be up to you. But whether whisking you to sunny wave-splattered shores or moonlight lanes, your favourite dim corner café or quiet rendezvous in the country, you’ll know you’ve been transported FIRST CLASS all the way. Beautiful melody has a habit of taking the listener to just the perfect place he wants to be.
And, oh yes, to completely enjoy an album such as this you can be either the musical purist or the I-don’t-know-why-I-like-it-but-by-gosh-I-like-it type and get equal satisfaction from the lovely sounds that Monsieur Clever has created. The knowing musician will applaud much of the technical force of the orchestration; the brilliant use of strings, the unexpected soaring-then-retreating of plush harmonic backgrounds, the often unexpected voicing in many of the sections. The casual listener, however, will get just as much pure pleasure (if I can borrow a commercial phrase) from all that will be heard. Actually, the ” how ” isn’t as important as the ” when ” anyway.
Your personal and delightful trip of fancy is at hand; the “when” provided by the lovely music is whenever and as often as you choose to play this record.
Frankly, I think you were quite shrewd in buying this album (or perhaps you have some discerning gift-giving friend who should now be treated with more respect), it will give you a lot of listening satisfaction.